Thursday, June 2, 2011

New Idea


I am trying out a new blog idea. A dedication to all things vintage. Can I get a little feedback on what y'all think of the design... and any ideas for content?

Love y'all!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Beeswax... inherent problems

I have started trying to make stuff with beeswax. It might just be my user errors, but it is SIGNIFICANTLY more difficult than I was anticipating.

My first problem was melting. This is going to be the biggest barrier as I try to work myself into a beeswax user. I have some to practice with.

I went with soap.

A little essential oil and water and I had this:

I have no idea what this is. It was not exactly what I was planning at all. However, it does smell nice. Kind of like Jojoba and Peppermint.

I have every intention of trying to use this little guy. It might be a special bar o' soap, but it was MY bar o' soap, special or not.

Anyone else try making beeswax products? Have any tips for me? Especially on good ways to melt beeswax. I really stink at that part. 

Love y'all! 

Monday, May 30, 2011

The Suitcases: Vintage Heyday

I was biking around Rexburg when a chance event landed me at the DI (which is basically our excuse for a Goodwill but better in some ways and much, much worse in others). I found a couple of vintage suitcases. With both suitcases, it only came out to be about $8. This was cheaper than some suitcases I had seen in some of my more exciting jaunts to estate sales.

So of course, I bought them. Only thing was, I was biking. Being the resourceful soul that I am, I biked back with my suitcases. About a mile or so... it was awesome. And I must have looked ridiculous. Small price to pay.

They were in such amazing condition. They spoke to me. I can not WAIT to get to use them. I have every intention to use them for all kinds of devious purposes. I did use them already for ghost pictures. Talk about some awesome pictures and fun in my future. Just wanted to share. Do you have any ideas for things to use it for... other than pictures and carrying round my clothes on trips.

It feels late...

Love y'all!