Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Hey y'all!

I know that my lack of presence is probably something of a bother (although I may be kidding myself). I am still crafting, but it is being munched by the hastening of the end of my last semester as a college junior (3.5 weeks left!).

Projects that I hope to post in the next week or so (depending on when I get my new power cord for my computer):

-ModPodge Romance Heels (putting the fox in foxy!)
-Recipe Cards (I am working on organizing all my recipes and getting a cute design for them... more difficult than I was anticipating!)
-Pictures on Parchment paper
-Large print image (2x3 foot photo that is now hanging up in my apt)

Joining you soon!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

New Idea


I am trying out a new blog idea. A dedication to all things vintage. Can I get a little feedback on what y'all think of the design... and any ideas for content? http://vintagesweetheart.wordpress.com/

Love y'all!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Beeswax... inherent problems

I have started trying to make stuff with beeswax. It might just be my user errors, but it is SIGNIFICANTLY more difficult than I was anticipating.

My first problem was melting. This is going to be the biggest barrier as I try to work myself into a beeswax user. I have some to practice with.

I went with soap.

A little essential oil and water and I had this:

I have no idea what this is. It was not exactly what I was planning at all. However, it does smell nice. Kind of like Jojoba and Peppermint.

I have every intention of trying to use this little guy. It might be a special bar o' soap, but it was MY bar o' soap, special or not.

Anyone else try making beeswax products? Have any tips for me? Especially on good ways to melt beeswax. I really stink at that part. 

Love y'all! 

Monday, May 30, 2011

The Suitcases: Vintage Heyday

I was biking around Rexburg when a chance event landed me at the DI (which is basically our excuse for a Goodwill but better in some ways and much, much worse in others). I found a couple of vintage suitcases. With both suitcases, it only came out to be about $8. This was cheaper than some suitcases I had seen in some of my more exciting jaunts to estate sales.

So of course, I bought them. Only thing was, I was biking. Being the resourceful soul that I am, I biked back with my suitcases. About a mile or so... it was awesome. And I must have looked ridiculous. Small price to pay.

They were in such amazing condition. They spoke to me. I can not WAIT to get to use them. I have every intention to use them for all kinds of devious purposes. I did use them already for ghost pictures. Talk about some awesome pictures and fun in my future. Just wanted to share. Do you have any ideas for things to use it for... other than pictures and carrying round my clothes on trips.

It feels late...

Love y'all!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Tree Print with a Twist

I am going to be honest with you. Originally this was not meant to be a print at all. I had bought some pigment ink (which turns out to be awesome for decal on clothes if you are careful if you go with the good quality stuff), and I wanted to see if I could ink my shirt with a design cut out on card stock from my Silhouette.

So I embarked on my little quest. Much to my chagrin, when all was said and cut out (and it was awesome!), it was too thin for me to effectively use it as a stencil. A complete my-bad moment. But I had one excellent tree cut and ink. What was I supposed to do? Throw it out!?!

Instead, I pulled out the Mod Podge and another piece of card stock. I thought since the tree was a little bare, I should probably use a richer color. Then, it wasn't dark enough.

After coating the sheet in Mod Podge, I used one of my sponge brushes to spread the ink onto my canvas. Then I Mod Podged my tree to the page... Voila!

I was lucky. I actually love my creation, even if it was not what I originally intended, and I have every intention of framing it in a black frame when I get the chance.

How do you feel about my surprise? As always, I welcome comments!

Love y'all!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Owls: The New Bird Silhouette?

Okay, I designed this little guy when I was working on some prints.

I really like him, so fun and cute...

My plan is to cut him out on a Silhouette and then mount him on some really epic card stock. What colors do you think would be best for this little guy? (Yeah, I don't know why I am referring to him as a male either. Just strikes me as one, I guess)

How do you like my owl? I think its funny that owls are emerging from EVERYWHERE right now, but they do make life fun, and I think it would be fun to have it, not only for Halloween, but for a nursery maybe.

Love y'all!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Giveaway at Tatertots and Jello: Silhouette SD

Since I have now been able to play with the Silhouette SD, can I just tell you what an AMAZING product it is. It is quite possibly the best crafting tool out there. So much fun to be had, and if you go to Tatertots and Jello, you can have a go at winning one, complete with heat transfer paper!

Boxes: Adorable Packaging

Have you seen those sweet box tutorials online recently? After looking at the instructions, I decided that this would be a fun activity, and it is really easy!

For these boxes, I found an old, ripped book at a garage sale for $.05 a little while ago at a garage sale. Raggedy Ann Golden Book.... awesome! The best part about this project is as long as you have a piece of paper, you can create boxes.

2 pieces of paper

If you are using thinner paper, you might want to consider painting the page with modpodge. I personally like to do this because it makes the box a little more permanent and less likely to be smooshed by small, precious and generally grubby hands.

After it has dried, you want to decide which side you want to be the box's top. You are about to cut a perfect square... so center the part of the image that you want in the center of your square (this wont be as important if you are using nifty card stock.

It is now time to cut the "perfect" square. I personally like a 6"x6" square, but I would like to suggest for your first box to not go under 4"x4." This size can be a little difficult for a first trial run... Oh, and especially dont use a book cover at this size if you haven't mod podged. (Learned that lesson the hard way)

Now on the flip side (the one you wont be using), use a straight edge to draw a line diagonally from corner to corner, forming an "X" across the back of the page.

The next step reminds me of those fortune tellers I used to make (used to... HAH!). Take one corner and fold it to the center of the page (the cross)...

Next you will take your ALREADY FOLDED TO THE CENTER corner and fold it in half to the line.

After all this careful folding... unfold this corner and move on to the next one. The process is the same for the next three corners. Fold in half, fold that in half to the line, and then unfold. (Make sure that you are making good creases on your edges, these will be your folding lines.)

Unfold your last  corner. Do you see that there is a little square that has not been folded to? Depending on your paper, you may want to outline this box... we are going to cut to it (see picture under this one!)

The BLACK lines are the the "inner" square that you cut to and not into. The red shows the lines where you should cut. (Sorry about their jaggedy-ness) 

Repeat this on the other three similar lines. They will be across from each other. Essentially it is a line just not through the center square.

Then I like to start with the larger, triangle sides. Fold them down to the middle, and fold the wings to the sides. After doing this on both sides, take the smaller, squarer side and tuck it over the tucked wings. You will see a pattern emerge. Little triangles meeting in the middle. Same goes for the flip side.

Last, I like to put a little glue or a glue dot under those upper triangles. You do not need this if your square was close enough to perfect... but like with the mod podge, I enjoy the extra security.

Then you have half your box. I realize that it seems a little daunting at first, but after your first one, the second one is super quick and easy.

The trick about making the bottom is make it about a tenth or so of an inch smaller than the first SQUARE you made. I will occasionally use a scrap piece of paper to try to get the exact right size.

Now you have a little box. What to do with it?
-Gift box for jewelry
-Gift box for small cute things
-Personalized Fortune Cookie Box
-Organizer: I like to put my smaller crafting items in these boxes. It is a good way to separate beads and hair clips and so forth.
-Anything else you want to!

Have you any ideas for these boxes? Leave comments!

Love y'all!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Photobook: Lessons in Camera

Howdy, y'all!

I am currently working my little self through a photobook. Want to have some input in what you can find in it? Here are some examples of my work; stay tuned for camera tips and tricks! Post a comment on which are your favorites!

The Eye of the Beholder: A Sardonic Look at Beauty (it's a beauty college. Join in the chuckles)

And There They Would Rest (My own view of what houses in fairy tales must look like!)

Where is Tumnus? ( If it is still snowing, the white witch has to be around somewhere.)

Slow Spring (I have been in a frozen wasteland much too long for my comfort.)

The Golden Door (full of promise and mystery... right?)

Now for those of you that stuck around, here is a camera trick that you should have under your belt. For those that have their trusty point-and-shoot camera, its fine! That is what I use too! Have you ever wondered about some of those settings though? You invested in the camera, but you feel as though you dont know how to use it? Well, good! Let's discuss one VERY important camera trick.

Shutter Speed. This will let you tell the camera how much light to let in. If you set it to a small number, make sure there is LOW light, otherwise you will blow out the image with light. This low shutter speed will blur any motion, so you might want to rest your camera on something or tripod it. The higher number is for BRIGHT light and freeze motion. This way you can catch that drop before it falls from the flower or your baby as it twirls outside, laughing.

Love, y'all!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Technical Difficulties

Hey, I am sorry that I have been down this week. Machine maintenance ate up a lot of my life and time. But we should be good to roll now. Hopefully, I will do the Mothers' Day reveal tomorrow anyway! Love y'all!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Mother's Day Ideas

Mothers' Day is coming up, and the pressure is on. How do you plan on celebrating?

Here are some ideas for creating your mother (or a mother you want to celebrate) the perfect Mothers' Day present. Tell her you love her with a simple craft... unless you have my mother who delights in sensible presents (Christmas is always a hard one for me. I once got her a potato peeler!).

This week we shall cover how to make some fun Mothers' Day crafts, but I want you to have some ideas because we can't cover it all this week. Maybe over the course of the next five years, we shall be able to cover the basics. But let's discuss!

Cards...  this method, aside from flowers (with flowers) has got to be the most popular. The key is being able to sum up your relationship with your mother in a card. Last year, I made a card with my mom and I ( in chibi form) and when you pulled the tabs on the side, we ran to each other and hugged. It was proof that notecards and construction paper that you used in school still works to make decent cards.

Flowers... Now it might be me, but there is something about flowers that you can't deny their appeal. They may be prone to dying after they are picked, but the beauty of the blooms is truly inspiring. So this year, since I am once again at school, I might have to just make my own flowers. That way I know they won's spoil!

Candy... but please do not fall into this hole if your mother is a dieter. You will only rake up pain, and who wants that on Mothers' Day. She was already in labor!

Bath/Perfume/ Beauty Products... this is usually a safe bet depending on the person you are giving it to. It has so many options. Personalized bath salts with their favorite scent. Personalized lip balm. Personalized soaps. You name it, you can probably personalize it. Just be aware that you might just have to write a personal note too!

Book of Promises... This little book is perfect if you are poor. College students and high school students - really students of any kind - can make them fairly quick, and it will be perfect! It is full of little "Promises." With redeemable tickets, you can show your mom you love her by showing her with simple actions. You don't need to be elaborate, but think of things that are meaningful to you both! This can be as personal or as impersonal as you want it to be.

These are just a few ideas. We will create some of them this week together... and I am hoping to have a .pdf of a Book of Promises up this week, so stay tuned if you want a little help!

* What are some things you have presented to the mothers in your life? I always welcome ideas, and who knows what might happen if you leave a comment!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Alice? Where are You?

Do you love the story-line of Alice in Wonderland as much as I do? I was a little disappointed by the newest movie, but it had some phenomenal imagery that saved it. The original story was simply so amazing and beautiful and abstract.

Since we here at Days of Abstraction are into that kind of stuff, the first Silhouette heat fabric transfer was dedicated to making a shirt that took Alice and imprinted her on a shirt.

Now since I am something of a purist, I wanted the original artwork for Alice. She was the original after all, and just like Texas, that is something you should not mess with. After going through the process to make her cut as awesome as possible, I then proceeded to peel off the negative space (which since I am a poor college student, I will use in another way).

Once she was ironed on all the way, I turned to the next part. Originally, I had planned to use the Cheshire cat and put him on the opposing side... but for some reason, this was not working. Instead, I added three hearts. Hearts because of the Queen of Hearts, and three because it is an awesome number.

What do you think? Should I have used Cheshy? Is Alice discernible? I am thinking about giving away a Cheshire Cat transfer. Feedback, please?

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Iron-on vinyl and Comic Books

We have made an interesting wallet with our iron-on vinyl, but what else can this sucker do?

When I was reading the back, it had all kinds of ideas... that frankly made me chuckle, but I thought that maybe I could use it to make a nifty bracelet from comic books. After all, I had some left from my previous endeavors with the wallet. (If you are looking for comic books, please avoid the recent issues. You will only be tearing them up. Instead, turn to thrift stores and antique malls. Ebay is good if you are buying several at a whop. Usually the comics are better anyway!)

The only difficult in making a bracelet is to get a good section of comic since you will be folding it. How do you like my selection. He really is all teeth isn't he, but I could not fight the allure of the Batman logo in his crazy eyes.

But that is telling us nothing of how to go about it...

I wish I had tutorial pictures, but sadly, I don't. But what I did was apply the iron-on vinyl as dictated by the package. I did both sides, but feel free to only cover the side you want on the outside. I then folded it in partial thirds after carefully cutting out the Joker's hand and chin with my trusty exacto blade. A quick blanket and hem stitch in a matching color, and we are almost there.

Last... not least, I added some snaps to my bracelet, and PRESTO! I could wear it. I love to pair it with my Batman shirt that I upgraded from the Walmart boy's section! What will you do with your iron-on vinyl? (I hope to someday make comic book, bar chair cushions with mine!)

Friday, April 22, 2011

Iron-On Vinyl

Comic books + iron-on vinyl = wallet awesomeness!

The lure of iron-on shiny-ness was waaaay too strong to be resisted when I saw the idea in the book Simply Sublime Gifts by Jodi Kahn. It is tag lined under the boys' section, but I being the kook I am, I decided to take part.

If you want a fairly quick, easy, and fun gift idea, this one rates pretty high. It requires a two-page spread with another page taped to the spread with REGULAR CLEAR TAPE. If you get the book, it blabs on about cellophane tape. Save yourself the trouble and buy scotch tape. Just tape on the side you do not vinyl!!! After that, much folding is required, then a quick seam, and voila! you have a fairly awesome gift. (When you are folding make sure that you are folding to your advantage... Mine worked out perfectly!)

*By the way, if you go around asking about iron-on velour, you are going to get some funny looks. I thought that I was asking for the right thing and was surprised when none of my favorite craft stores carried what I was asking for. Lesson learned in if you don't know what you are looking for, bring the instructions with you!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Filler and Momentary Apology

Hey! I know its been awhile. I swear I am coming back... however slowly... While you are here, feel free to check my coolest sister-in-law's giveaway!


You can also check out my other blog about media...